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Techniques for predicting the results of March Madness

March Madness

Methods for selecting March Madness Winners!

The project offers an Evaluation and a Prediction Mode for creating a bracket.



1. Start and initialize database

Start the postgres database via Docker with docker compose up -d. Once running, initialize the database via psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE march_madness;". The default DB password is postgres. The postgres container uses a volume mount, so data will persist if the container itself is stopped or deleted.

2. Check that rankings file exists

Check that a file called tournament_rankings.r<current_year> exists for the desired tournament year. If not, see docs/

3. Add data

Data is scraped from external sources and stored in the database.

The database can be populated by running the following scripts:

cd mmsite
python migrate  # Runs DB migrations
cd ..
python  # Runs for current year by default

Alternatively, you can import the contents of db/march_madness.sql via psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d march_madness -a -f db/march_madness.sql.

4. Create an .env file

Settings are configured via environment variables, which are loaded automatically when defined in mmiste/.env. For local development and use, the values from mmsite/.env.sample can be used as is.

Usage - User Evaluation


Evaluation Mode can be run via the Django UI. Run cd mmsite; python runserver and then navigate to http://localhost:8000/marchmadness.

Click “Guided Selection” and go through the process of selecting teams. When complete, the selected winners for each round will be displayed.


By default, the script guides the user through manually picking teams for the current year. Run the following:

./  # Go through selections
open NCAA_Tournament_Results.log  # Display selection results

Different years can be evaluated via the -y parameter, ex ./ -y 2023

Usage - Automated Prediction Methods

Automated methods that use an algorithm to decide matchups are defined as prediction methods. The desired prediction method should be provided to the -p parameter from one of the methods listed below:

Sample Usage

Currently, automated prediction can only be run via a shell, i.e. not via the Django app.

./ -p random           # Random Selection for the current year
./ -p lptr -y 2022     # Weighted LPTR selection for 2022
./ -p sigmodal -k 0.5  # Weighted Sigmodal selection with overriding value of k


Results are stored in NCAA_Tournament_Results.log. The file is always appended to, so should be removed between subsequent runs. There is no automated way to create a bracket on a site such as with these results, so they must be entered manually.

Future Work

This project is being actively worked and improved. See the GitHub Projects tab for details.